Contact Us
If you have any query about our service please contact us
(+232) 72741695
(+224) 610762908
(+233) 533915227
20-Aberdeen Road Freetown Sierra Leone
Lambanyi commune de ratoma Guinea Conakry
PMB 187 CT Cantonment, Accra, Ghana
Service Details
One of the prime objectives of the domestic division is to bring back to rail, goods which are now being transported by road. A key business thrust that has been made by the company in the area of domestic business has been in seeking to pick up such traffic that is moving by road by offering door-to-door pick-up and delivery services. The concept of door pick-ups and delivery takes us one step closer to achieving the primary objective of becoming a truly multi-modal logistics service provider.
We are also seeking to make the process of delivery and pick up as simple as possible so that all the necessary paper work can be completed at the customer’s door, and the customer need not visit the terminal at all. In certain cases, we have even made arrangements for the unloading of cargo from containers, and the delivery of loose cargo if this the customer’s requirements. We are also in close touch with our customers to ensure that deliveries are made as far as possible according to their convenience and requirements
Service Included
ͼ Delivery of loose cargo
ͼ Pick up as simple as possible
ͼ Business applications through
ͼ Procedures whereas processes
Logistics describes the process of coordinating and moving resources—people, materials, inventory, and equipment—from one location to storage at the desired destination.
Logistics describes the process of coordinating and moving resources—people, materials, inventory, and equipment—from one location to storage at the desired destination.
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